Start 'em young

I am proud Dad to three little girls, and I love to talk about them, love to show them off, and love to include them wherever and whenever possible in my work-life. I get asked lots if any of them show any signs of being interested in music, or if they’re taking any lessons.

My answer is this: they are all tremendously noisy and so I think it is only a matter of time before they take up something that can beat out the pre-pubescent human voice in volume (though maybe not frequency). But I really don’t want to be a pushy parent. We like to leave things within reach and always available - nothing is out of bounds. Vintage guitars, heirloom pianos or little plastic ukuleles… if they want to play them they are there, and if they want to go down that road with a little more intent then we are there to facilitate and encourage. But never push. They are their own people and we will follow their lead.

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