In Favour Of Independent Music Shops
A few years ago I was booked to play a wonderful venue in rural Maryland. Lovely little performing arts centre. Not far down the road was a really good music shop, Coffey Music. My friend/business partner arranged for me to do a little clinic there before the show.
As I was walking in, there was a mother and her daughter walking out. I’m guessing the girl was maybe 8 or 9 and she was clutching a flute case to her chest. Her face was absolutely beaming. I remembered that feeling instantly. The '“oh my godI can’t believe today is the day” feeling. It was infectious, not just to the rest of us in the shop - but you could also see the look of pride in the Mother’s face too. She had enabled this, and made her kid happy. There’s no better feeling.
Coffey music closed down permanently recently. No idea of the circumstances. When I heard the news I immediately thought of the little girl and the mother and their shared joy. I wondered how many kids won’t get that same beautiful moment, and how many other parents won’t get that opportunity to give that moment to their children. How many cold, instant transactions that arrive in a nondescript cardboard box a day later will replace a special event that stays with you a lifetime.
That’s why i’m in favour of the independent music shop.